We will soon enter a whole new year, 2021. Very few could say they were sorry 2020 was ending. We are given a re-boot.
What will you do with your fresh start? Will you thank God for the vaccines that were developed so quickly in 2020? Will you appreciate the time you were able to spend with your family? Or, will you blame God that He "let" Covid-19 kill so many people, make many more sick, and destroy the economy?
God did none of that. You may accuse, "Did He stop any of it from happening?" Did you?
Life happens to the living. Praise the Lord, we are among the living. Let 2021 be the year when we make life better for others; when we stop complaining that we are among the living rather than the angels; when we begin to find the reason for our life and praise God for it.
Let's Pray: "Oh Father God who lives in Heaven and in our hearts at the same time, holy, holy, holy is your name . . . the precious name I sometimes tarnish. Forgive me Father and let this new year be a new beginning for my walk with You. May Your kingdom of heaven be my new dwelling place, so that Your will may be accomplished in my life. For today, I ask that the virus released on the world may be dissolved into dust with the vaccines You laid on scientists' creative minds. Forgive me for the part I may have paid that added to the division in our country. Bring Love, and Hope, and Acceptance to everyone. Fill us so full of Your light we are unable to share anything but Your essence - Your love. To you, oh Father, belongs all the glory. By the power of the name of your son, Jesus the Christ, I pray. Amen"
Many blessings and much healing to you in this coming year of 2021,
Doris Gaines Rapp, Ph.D.
Copyright 2020, 2021 Doris Gaines Rapp