As many of you know, my Prayer Therapy blog was hacked by someone asking for money. I could not delete their post so, much to my sorrow, I deleted the entire blog which I created in 2007. Thank You, Sally Walker was my last post on that original blog in January 2018, before I had major back surgery. When I returned to blogging, I was unable to solve the problem.
Good news! I can continue to post on this newly renamed blog and you readers can pull up my old blog to discover past posts. Go to to read twelve years of directed, specific prayers. The Lord is Good! In spite of the evil around us, He finds a way to reveal His word and love to us all. Highlight the URL, and copy it to the address line in your browser. Easy peasy.
May the Good Lord bless you all. Doris
We at Soul Care Prayer give you with the best Christian Therapy, Prayer Therapy, Trauma Healing. Your nervous system triggers partial brain shutdown because the pain or threat is so great. That’s what the Trauma Healing therapy of SoulCare Prayer does. If you’ve experienced trauma, you will know it is an overwhelming emotional response. That’s what the Trauma Healing therapy of Soul Care Prayer does. Feel free to contact us for more detail: +64-20-111-2123.