Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Begin Again - Continue

"Thou shall not steal"

Dear readers, my previous Prayer Therapy blog was hacked. I can't get into it.  The same is true of my blog, Doris Gaines Rapp. It had even higher stats.
Right now, my writing load is huge. But, I will get back to you shortly. Let me know you're out there.
Many blessings to you all.
Let us pray for all those who steal another's work.

"Father, God, everything you touch is blessed because you alone are holy. May all that you desire for me come to be, just as those in Heaven are covered with your blessings. For today, I lift up hackers and those who steal the words you give to your children. Forgive me when I fail to see the pain they are in. Let me not be tempted to be angry or seek revenge, for I live under the umbrella of your love. In the precious name of Jesus I pray."
Copyright 8/8/18 Doris Gaines Rapp